Rabu, 09 November 2016

Response Paper “ Logic of Religious Violence” by Watini
            Juergensmeyer writes “Logic of Religious Studies” which published in University of California Press. In that book he explain more that he have observed the potency of religion in certain pockets of public life. He states that he has seen how religious ideas and the sense of religious community have been endemic to the cultures of violence from which terrorism spread. He notes that religion can become resource of war. He gives example the Aum Shinrikyo movement reward itself as a perfect synthesis of Buddhism. Another instance in America, members of Christian militia groups insulted liberal Protestantism and mocked Christian Conservatives. Richard Butler left the Presbyterian ministry to form his own church. William Pierce writes in his book “ The Turner Diaries” that the Jewish takeover of Christian churches and corruption of the ministry now is completed. He also states that that case can be categorized  of other militant Islamic movements. One of the member’s al Gamaa-i Islamiya (Islamic Party) which led by Sheik Omar Abdul Rahman were stated to life in prison because of bombing of New York City’s World Trade Center. He writes that the groups such as Hamas, The Khalistan movement, Christian Identity and the Jewish right wing used violence not only seek attention but also to articulate the concerns of those within their eider cultures. He have experience with Mahmud Abouhalima which he told him that the critical moment in his religious life came when realized that he could not compromise his Islamic integrity with the easy vices offered by modern society.
About postmodern terror, he argues that government easily labeled the enemy of religion is that to some degree it is. He shows that enlightenment modernity proclaimed the death of religion. the moral leadership of the secular state that has become increasingly challenged in the last decade of the twentieth century following of the Cold War and the rise of a global economy. In sub-title of violence wins, he gives instance that however where the power accrued through terrorist acts was converted into bargaining chips for negotiated settlement and terrorist organizations were forged into effective political parties. He explain many more about religious movement and about  terrorist and violence which is caused by religion but not all case of violence will win. In some country like Indonesia, truth will win.
According to Juergensmeyer’s paper about  terrorist,  Indonesia also has problem about that which is very dangerous. It can cause disadvantages because of its impacts such as Bali Bomb which many people become died and injured and it caused disadvantages in economy, social, politic and culture. Indonesia has law and regulation to solve terrorist. Some of the law is execution. Few years ago there is execution which belong to Bali Bomber that the place is in Nusakambangan, Cilacap, Central Java. About religious movement Indonesia also have some case but it is divided into two side. If the movement is still suitable with Pancasila, that movement can life in Indonesia but if the movement against Pancasila and 1945 regulation, it can be dispersed by government. The movement religion or faith may come from indigenous religion  which is suitable with Pancasila it can do by reification which constructed by Wilfred Cantwell Smith. That movement or indigenous religion which have not recognize by government can recognize like Daud Sihombing’s (CRCS students) project to protect all religion in Indonesia.
In short, not all religion cause violence and violence will win  and that is  Indonesia.


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